
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Trace the SPID of Login in SQL Server

Tracing the Login name for the SPID in SQL Server

We do often face the scenarios where some object might have modified/updated/dropped/deleted by the user/admin knowingly or unknowingly.

Human errors are always possible and we cannot eradicate the human errors for 100%.

But we can trace who has done it.

Options to trace

1. Reading the LDF

2. Reading the backup file if backup happened after the wrong done

3. Easy option is querying the existing trace files (default traces of SQL Server)

By using all the above options we will get the SPID who has done the operation on table/database/object.

To find who has logged in with that SPID, we have to prepare before disaster happen by enabling the trace flag in all important production databases.

DBCC TRACEON (4013,-1)

Above Trace flag will capture the SPID of the login also in SQL Server Error log as shown below

2012-08-15 01:46:49.320 spid53 Login: sa MYCOMPUTER, server process ID (SPID): 53, kernel process ID (KPID): 53.

Hope the above information helps
