Query to find the Mail profiles created in the instance of SQL Server Mailing purpose
In general practise DBA would definetly create a mail profile in the SQL Server to the alert information and automated jobs details to his/support group email id.
Query to find the mail profiles:
In general practise DBA would definetly create a mail profile in the SQL Server to the alert information and automated jobs details to his/support group email id.
Query to find the mail profiles:
select sa.account_id,spa.profile_id,sa.name,sa.email_address,sa.display_name, sp.name as profile_name from sysmail_profile sp join sysmail_profileaccount spa on sp.profile_id=spa.profile_id join sysmail_account sa on spa.account_id=sa.account_id
If you have just setup the mail profile/database profile and want to test and see it in the log, You have to check it out in "sysmail_event" of MSDB database.
If mail is failing please check the log to find out the issue.
Query to check the error related to failed mail items.
SELECT items.subject,items.last_mod_date
,l.description FROM dbo.sysmail_faileditems as itemsINNER JOIN dbo.sysmail_event_log AS l
ON items.mailitem_id = l.mailitem_idWHERE items.recipients LIKE '%DBATEAM%'
OR items.copy_recipients LIKE '%DBATEAM%'
OR items.blind_copy_recipients LIKE '%DBATEAM%'
Hope the above helps