
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Query to troubleshoot the Service broker issues in SQL Server

Query to Troubleshoot the service broker issues in SQL Server

Service broker is the technology which provides messaging and queueing functions between instances.

Query for information and troubleshooting service broker:

SELECT AS [Service_Name], AS [Schema_Name], AS [Queue_Name],
CASE WHEN t4.state IS NULL THEN 'Not available' ELSE t4.state END AS [Queue_State], CASE WHEN t4.tasks_waiting IS NULL THEN '--' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR, t4.tasks_waiting) END AS tasks_waiting, CASE WHEN t4.last_activated_time IS NULL THEN '--' ELSE CONVERT(varchar, t4.last_activated_time) END AS last_activated_time , CASE WHEN t4.last_empty_rowset_time IS NULL THEN '--' ELSE CONVERT(varchar,t4.last_empty_rowset_time) END AS last_empty_rowset_time, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.transmission_queue t6 WHERE (t6.from_service_name = ) AS [Tran_Message_Count] FROM t1 INNER JOIN sys.service_queues t2 ON ( t1.service_queue_id = t2.object_id ) INNER JOIN sys.schemas t3 ON ( t2.schema_id = t3.schema_id ) LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_broker_queue_monitors t4 ON ( t2.object_id = t4.queue_id AND t4.database_id = DB_ID() ) INNER JOIN sys.databases t5 ON ( t5.database_id = DB_ID() )
Hope the above helps
