
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monitor the Mirroring databases of SQL Server

How to Monitor the databases involved in Mirroring activity of SQL Server

Mirroring is the best disaster recovery technique in SQL Server. Monitoring these databases is an important task for a DBA in day to day task.

We can automate this task as well by scripting it in well mannered job of Agent.

/*Script to find which Databases are involved in Mirroring*/

select DB_NAME(database_id) dbname,mirroring_state_desc,mirroring_role_desc,
from master.sys.database_mirroring
where mirroring_state is not null

/*Detailed Script to find which Databases are involved in Mirroring*/

select DB_NAME(database_id) dbname,mirroring_state_desc,mirroring_role_desc,
from master.sys.database_mirroring
where mirroring_state is not null

/*Checking EndPoint Status involved in Database Mirroring */

select name,endpoint_id,protocol_desc,type_desc,state_desc,role_desc,
from sys.database_mirroring_endpoints

/*Run on Witness Server if the same exist to know the info abot Database involved in Mirroring */
select database_name,principal_server_name,mirror_server_name,safety_level_desc,
from sys.database_mirroring_witnesses

/* Below Stored Procedure returns status rows for a monitored database from the status table in which database mirroring monitoring history is stored (last 2 hours) */

Exec msdb..sp_dbmmonitorresults 'database_name',1,0

Explanation of above procedure:

Variable ValueVariable Description
1st Variable = DatabasenameDatabase Name involved in Mirroring
2nd variable=0Last row is returned from the monitor history
2nd variable=1Last two hour rows will be returned from monitor history
2nd variable=2Last four hour rows will be returned from monitor history
2nd variable=3Last eight hour rows will be returned from monitor history
2nd variable=4Last day rows will be returned from monitor history
2nd variable=5Last 2 day rows will be returned from monitor history
2nd variable=6Last 100 days rows will be returned from monitor history
2nd variable=7Last 500 days rows will be returned from monitor history
2nd variable=8Last 1000 days rows will be returned from monitor history
2nd variable=9Last 1,000,000 days rows will be returned from monitor history
3rd Variable=0will return the status rows as in Monitor history (will not update the status of databases at current time)
3rd Variable=1will return the status rows by loading the current time status of databases in the monitor history
/*Below Script returns status rows for a monitored database from the status table in which database mirroring monitoring history is stored (last 2 hours) */

declare @dbmmonitor table
(database_name varchar(100),role varchar(100),
mirroring_state varchar(100),witness_status varchar(100),
log_generation_rate int,unsent_log int,send_rate int,
unrestored_log int,recovery_rate int,transaction_delay int,transactions_per_sec int,
average_delay int,time_recorded datetime,time_behind datetime,local_time datetime)
insert into @dbmmonitor
Exec msdb..sp_dbmmonitorresults 'database_name',1,0
select database_name,
case role  when '1' then 'Principal' when '2' then 'Mirror' else role end role,
case mirroring_state  when '0' then 'Suspended' when '1' then 'Disconnected'
when '2' then 'Synchronizing' when '3' then 'Pending Failover'
when '4' then 'Synchronized' else role end mirroring_state,
from @dbmmonitor
order by local_time desc

Hope the above information helps


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