Find the backup from which database is restored in SQL Server
When you have your backup file, you can tell whether it is a full/differential/log backup but querying the .bak file. You can even tell whether backup is fine or not by simple query
USE MASTERWhen you have your backup file, you can tell whether it is a full/differential/log backup but querying the .bak file. You can even tell whether backup is fine or not by simple query
Restore verifyonly from disk='D:\sample.bak'
but after DB is restored and you have to find with what backup that particular DB is restore then you have to run the following query to find out....
Use Master
SELECT [Msrh].[destination_database_name],
[Msbs].[database_name] as [source_database_name],
[Msbmf].[physical_device_name] as [backup_file_used_for_restore]
FROM msdb..restorehistory Msrh
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset Msbs
ON [Msrh].[backup_set_id] = [Msbs].[backup_set_id]
INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily Msbmf
ON [Msbs].[media_set_id] = [Msbmf].[media_set_id]
ORDER BY [Msrh].[restore_date] DESC
Hope the above is useful
Revert for issues and more information or doubts